Explore Christianity
Got questions?
Here at Warwick CU, we’re passionate about giving you the chance to grapple with the claims of Christianity.
If you’ve come here after hearing a talk at Wonder, take a look at our WHAT NEXT? events by clicking this button:
We offer events, both regular and non-regular, to help you do this. Further information on these can be found below.
But for now, this is the main message of Christianity that we unite around as a CU:
We believe in the gospel. The gospel simply means ‘good news’.
What is the good news?
For starters, the Bible says that we have all rejected God by not recognising his rightful rule in our lives. God loves us, cares for us, and created us; yet we so often ignore Him. The punishment for rejecting God is death – because we reject the live-giver, sustainer and creator of all things.
Sound like ‘good news’ yet? I suspect not.
But the message of the Bible doesn’t end here. God sent his son, Jesus, to restore our relationship with Him. Jesus lived the perfect life that we could never live. But despite his perfection, Jesus died on the cross, taking on himself the punishment we deserve.
Sound like ‘good news’ yet? It gets better!
Jesus did not stay dead! He rose again three days later, defeating death and promising that for those who trust in Him, they will get the eternal life that he deserves. This is all because of His undeserved kindness towards us. We call this ‘grace’. He calls us now to turn away from our disobedience and follow him. Jesus has defeated death and won eternal life for those who will trust in Him – now that sounds like good news!
Here’s a Bible verse that sums up this gospel in a nutshell: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV)
We’d love for you to be part of this too! If you’ve decided that Christianity is true, then here’s a link to something we’ve found helpful for taking those first steps:
Alternatively, meet up with one of us! We’d love to chat with you, and try and answer any questions you have.
We’d also love to point you to some of the local churches around uni. If you want someone to go with, we can also arrange that if you get in touch.
Hope Explored
Wednesdays 9th, 16th, 23rd Feb • 7:30-9PM • OC0.05
This fabulous 3-week course is designed to help you explore the claims of Christianity in a friendly and open environment. Join us on Wednesday evenings to find out more!
Connect with someone
We’d love to keep the conversation going. To get connected with someone, for a chat about anything, click the button below and fill in your contact details, and we’ll be in touch!